
西班牙语 Vietnamese
image with silhouette of people helping each other up a mountain

2022: Rising to the challenge

作为一名教师,我知道评估和报告的价值. They demonstrate content learned and accountability for the greater good. 而且,像学生评估一样,年度报告使一个组织对我们所服务的人负责. 我很自豪地分享我们的2022年年度报告,它代表了我们对北拉里默县社区的持续承诺.

十大娱乐彩票平台的使命是提高我们社区的健康水平,使地区居民长寿和健康. In 2022, our board of directors set three main goals to achieve this mission:

  • Improve mental health
  • Improve oral health
  • 通过健康保险增加获得保健的机会

卫生区工作人员在实现这些目标的同时,还应对了当前全球大流行病的挑战. Some highlights include improving mental and behavioral health care delivery as the need for services increased; responding to a greater demand for dental services in the Family Dental Clinic as people lost private insurance during COVID; and Larimer Health Connect staff enrolling more residents in insurance plans than the previous year.

Looking ahead, I am pleased to introduce our new Executive Director, Liane Jollon. Liane在公共卫生方面的广泛领导将有助于履行我们的使命和承诺,最大限度地利用我们的资源. 我们致力于追求卫生公平, 使用数据来衡量结果和跟踪进展, and focusing on strategies that are known to impact community health.


Molly Gutilla的签名和照片







Our Services by the Numbers
8,240 Patient visits to our Family Dental Clinic (2,036 patients served)
624 接受过血压和/或胆固醇检查的人
806 举办戒烟辅导课程(为177名客户)
27,737 Client contacts for mental health or substance use help provided by Connections, CAYAC, 以及我们的综合行为健康项目
425 在安全网诊所接受我们综合行为健康项目工作人员精神治疗的人
1,859 得到帮助的家庭找到了新工作, reduced-cost health insurance options from Larimer Health Connect
11,433 接受牙科或保健服务的总人数, 或者与卫生区工作人员的联系
$528,218 Value of grants and donations received for dental and mental health services, 健康保险登记支持, community assessment, prescription assistance, quit tobacco services, and COVID-19 response
Current Board of Directors

The Health District is governed by a publicly elected board of directors.

Molly GutillaPresident

Julie Kunce FieldVice President

John McKay, Secretary

Joseph Prows, Treasurer

Erin Hottenstein, Assistant Treasurer


Jeri Newlan与客户的照片Choosing health over tobacco

萨凡纳·布朗十几岁时就开始吸烟,那时候许多家庭的咖啡桌上都有烟灰缸和打火机,香烟广告上都是“酷人”在抽烟. 多年来,她一直试图用药物来戒掉这个习惯, nicotine replacement products, and the QuitLine, but nothing worked for long.

事实上, 布朗花了三次时间作为卫生区戒烟计划的客户,才成为一个坚定的不吸烟者. 2021年在COVID-19封锁期间发生了一次失误.

“[Tobacco Treatment Specialist] Rosi Davidson had helped me quit for several months, but COVID was so hard,” Brown recalls. “You’re isolated, you couldn’t go anywhere, and I had people around me who smoked—that pushed me over the edge.”

Then last fall she was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 或慢性阻塞性肺病, which causes airflow blockage in the lungs that makes breathing difficult. “When I learned I had COPD, I decided after 50 years, I had to put down the cigarettes for good. Rosi welcomed me back and helped me go step by step on my quit journey.”

对试图戒烟的人来说,复吸是很常见的, as with any addiction, says Davidson, herself a former smoker. “It can take a few attempts to figure out what works and what doesn’t work.”

作为一位经验丰富的烟草治疗专家, Davidson does her best to prepare clients for how to deal with triggers. For example, 体育活动可以帮助你克服渴望,因为运动可以释放大脑中一些“感觉良好”的化学物质,就像尼古丁对吸烟者一样, she says. “A five-minute walk, 25 jumping jacks, or chair yoga can work wonders.”

Brown listened to Davidson and her doctors and took control of her health. 她现在专注于日常锻炼, better eating habits, 她正在攻读计算机科学的副学士学位. 如果她有压力,开始想抽烟, 她知道该怎么做才能不吸烟. “我非常感谢罗西和这个节目. I’m in a good place now.”

有关戒烟计划的更多信息,请致电 970-224-5209.

New ways of coordinating care


Surveys show that mental health needs continue to grow each year in Larimer County. 卫生区成人心理健康和物质使用项目的一种方法是通过在其团队中增加护理协调员来解决对行为健康护理日益增长的需求. Three coordinators now provide assessments and referrals to services for incoming clients, freeing up clinicians to focus on those with more complex or urgent needs.

“Our shift to a care coordinator model lets us more efficiently serve clients, 同时让“连接”治疗师有更多时间投入短期治疗等直接服务,” says Jen Head, 联系行为健康提供者领导. 她补充说,协调员都是“优秀的调查员”,能够研究和确定能够满足客户需求的社区资源和提供者. They also follow up with clients and send information back to referring clinics.

Paige Marts带来了多年的案例管理经验,并为具有高心理健康需求的成年人提供服务,作为护理协调员. “我喜欢这种模式,喜欢在一线工作. 我认为护理协调员对即将到来的客户进行初步评估是一种有效的方法,可以让他们获得正确的护理水平.”

In 2022, Connections served 3,393 clients in 10,242 total client contacts. The team was able to not only serve clients calling in or being referred for services, but also expand partnerships to help more residents overcome barriers to mental health care.

For example, Head与一位涉及刑事司法的客户会面了几个星期,这位客户在等待判决期间需要情感支持. She received the referral as part of a partnership with the Larimer County Pretrial Services, which runs a mental health intervention program for people charged with a crime, 哪些人的行为健康问题可能影响了他们的行为. In the past, Head would not have had time in her schedule to take on this type of case.

“As you can see, the care coordinators really are vital to our success at Connections.” 

欲了解更多信息或预约,请致电 970-221-5551.

特鲁迪·赫尔曼与客户的合影Simplifying health insurance

Michael and Meta Van Skiver experienced a lot of changes in the past two years. They launched their own business managing vacation rental properties, one son graduated from high school and began taking college classes, and their older son, who lives with autism, 还是住在家里,做兼职工作. 

这家人依靠科罗拉多州医疗第一计划(科罗拉多州的医疗补助计划)来获得医疗保险, 部分原因是迈克尔患有癫痫,经常发作,需要昂贵的药物和持续的护理. Michael and Meta also quit jobs to devote their time to the new business. 医疗补助是一项政府保险计划,为低收入人群提供免费或低成本的医疗保健.

But in 2022, 大儿子长大了,进入了自己的纳税家庭, 这意味着范·斯基弗夫妇的医疗补助决定将基于一个三口之家,而不是四口之家, so the income limits are lower. That change, 再加上新业务的收入波动, made the couple worried they could lose the health insurance they so desperately need.

“医疗补助是一个令人困惑的系统——当某些事情发生变化时,你是否会失去你的保险并不总是很清楚,” Meta says. “压力很大,因为我们必须有医疗保险.”

Fortunately, 范·斯基弗夫妇找到了拉里默健康中心, 卫生区的一项免费服务,帮助居民找到符合其家庭需求和预算的最佳医疗保险选择. 健康保险专家特鲁迪·赫尔曼发现,作为联邦COVID-19公共卫生紧急情况的一部分,他们的医疗补助保险被锁定到10月31日的续保日期, 2023. None of their life changes would impact their health insurance before then.

赫尔曼还解释说,一些家庭成员可能有资格获得残疾工作成年人医疗补助购买计划, which lets adults with chronic conditions pay a monthly premium to buy coverage.

“Health insurance is confusing for lots of people,” Herman says. “We’re here to help people understand all of their options for affordable health coverage.”

To learn more about Larimer Health Connect or to make an appointment, call 970-472-0444.

利斯·鲁普和凯西-乔·诺沃特尼的照片Dental care brings big smiles

凯西-乔·诺沃特尼对卫生区家庭牙科诊所的工作人员的出色工作了如指掌, 但她没能找到她的路. Leith Rupp’s chair until she lost her dental insurance after an unexpected layoff during COVID.

At the clinic, 诺沃特尼生病的母亲从没有牙齿,不能咀嚼任何东西,到戴上全套假牙, and her brother, Shawn Salas, also became a patient of Dr. 当时他失业了,还要照顾他们的母亲. 诺沃特尼本人在一家大型连锁酒店工作,30多年来一直拥有私人牙科保险, 但对针的恐惧——以及对牙医诊所的恐惧——导致了口腔健康状况不佳和严重的牙痛.


Finally, her brother convinced her to give Rupp and the clinic a chance. “我没有照顾好我的牙齿,我正在为此付出代价. I decided I didn’t want to look like that or be in pain anymore,” Novotny says.

From the moment she walked in the clinic door, everyone was friendly and kind, she says. 卫生师凯特琳·穆德罗克(Caitlin Mudroch)温和而令人放心, 拉普毫无压力地一步一步地解释了她的选择. The verdict? Rupp needed to pull all of her top teeth for dentures and replace an older bridge on the bottom.

“患者过去可能有不同的触发因素,导致他们对牙科诊所感到焦虑或恐惧,” Rupp says. “We all do our best to find ways to make each patient feel comfortable.”

Novotny credits Rupp with not only giving her a confident new smile, 同时也帮助她克服恐惧. “这次牙科手术对我来说意义重大. Rupp changed my life.”

一家三口决定送一件礼物来表达他们的感激之情:一个定制的摇头娃娃,上面写着“Dr. Rupp - Best Dentist Ever.

2022年,家庭牙科诊所接待了2036名患者. For more information, call 970-416-5331.



Our services are open to those who live within the Health District, including Fort Collins, Laporte, Wellington, Livermore, Red Feather Lakes, and Timnath. 卫生区为各种收入的居民提供服务, 虽然有些服务是专门为低收入和没有医疗保险的家庭提供的. 大多数服务都是收费的,但为了让所有人都能负担得起良好的健康,也可以实行浮动收费.

With thanks


Caring for Colorado Foundation
Connect for Health Colorado
Denver Foundation
Larimer County Office on Aging
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Project and Service Partners

Alliance for Suicide Prevention
The BIPOC Alliance
Catholic Charities
The Center for Family Outreach
Chilson Senior Center
City of Fort Collins
City of Loveland
Colorado 8th Judicial District
Colorado Dept. 《十大娱乐平台排行榜》
Colorado Health Medical Group
Colorado Health Network
基社盟部门. of Health and Exercise Science
CSU Franklin A. 格雷比尔统计和数据科学实验室服务
CSU Health Network
CSU School of Social Work
Crossroads Safehouse
Cultural Enrichment Center
Disabled Resource Services
Eclectic of Northern Colorado
Estes Park School District
Estes Valley Library
Food Bank for Larimer County
Foothills Gateway, Inc.
Fort Collins Rescue Mission
Fort Collins Senior Center
Front Range Clinic
Fuerza 拉丁a
Healthy Harbors
十大娱乐彩票平台ward Allliance
Housing Catalyst
La Cocina
La Familia/The Family Center
Larimer County Dept. of Health and Environment
Larimer County Dept. of Human Services
Larimer County Office on Aging
Larimer Court Support, Inc.
Loveland Life Center
New Belgium Care Clinic
North Colorado Health Alliance
North Range Behavioral Health
Northern Colorado Collaborative for Addiction and Recovery Supports (NOCO-CAReS)
Otero Corporation
Partnership for Healthy Youth
Poudre School District
Poudre Valley Hospital
Queen's Legacy Foundation
Rocky Mountain Health Plans
Spirit of Joy Church
SummitStone Health Partners
Thompson River Pediatrics
Thompson School District
UCHealth Aspen Club
UCHealth Family Medicine Center
UCHealth Healthy Hearts Program
UCHealth Medical Group
uhealthmountain Crest行为健康中心
UCHealth Palliative Care
United Way of Larimer County
University of Northern Colorado
Village Medical
Walden University
Weld County Dept. of Health and Environment
The Yarrow Collective
Youth Clinic


  • Adult Connections
    Answers, options, and support for adult mental health and substance use.
    425 W. Mulberry, #101  •  970-221-5551
  • 儿童、青少年和青年成人联系(CAYAC)队
    青年和家庭的答案、选择和支持. 尽早确定值得关注的领域, assessment, 以及为青少年和家庭提供心理健康和药物使用咨询或其他治疗的指导.
    425 W. Mulberry, #112  •  970-221-3308
Community Impact Team

与社区伙伴合作,创造系统性变革, 提高卫生保健的有效性和可得性, reduce barriers, 改善社区的健康状况.

Family Dental Clinic

202 Bristlecone  •  970-416-5331

Heart Health Promotion

Screening and consultation with a nurse for cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose.


Providing integrated behavioral health care in safety net medical clinics.

Larimer Health Connect

Helping people understand health insurance and find the best options to meet their family’s health needs and budget; prescription assistance.
144 N. Mason, Unit 7  •  970-472-0444

Quit Tobacco Program

戒烟的支持和资源, 特许经销商, and/or chewing with the help of certified tobacco treatment specialists.
120 Bristlecone  •  970-224-5209



Property & Specific Ownership Taxes 71.8%
Lease Revenue 13.9%
Program Revenue 8.1%
Grants and Partnerships 5.1%
Other Revenue 1.1%
Programs and Services 90.1%
Administration 9.3%
Capital Outlay 0.6%
Dental Services 30.9%
Connections and CAYAC 18%
奖助金、伙伴关系和特别计划 14.2%
综合行为健康计划 10.5%
Health Care Access (Larimer Health Connect/Prescription Assistance and Policy) 9.4%
心脏健康促进和戒烟计划 7.5%
Community Impact 5.7%
评估、研究和评价 2.4%
Resource Development 1.4%